Monday, April 07, 2008

First Aid Monday!

It's the start of the Kids "Spring" break today (previously known as Easter Holiday, normally taken around Easter time!), they are home for 2 WHOLE weeks - so not a lot of time for me to do much of anything really!
Boys will be boys and before too long DS2 was in with a bleeding knee (he fell off of the trampoline) - good job it's only a diddy little thing and not one of those great big ones! and then about an hour later DS1 fell off a chair outside and came in with a bleeding nose! it's a good job that the sight of blood doesn't phase me! lol
I've been sorting out getting Maggie made into stamps! fingers crossed she should be in the shop soon! I have also been toying with the idea of contacting a few craft shops (possibly local ones, maybe a couple of internet ones) to see if they would be interested in stocking some of my stamps! Just an idea at the moment! but it would get a little bit more exposure for them!

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